Pump Bot
Fast as anything else, custom built from scratch, a pump trading bot.
Fast as anything else, custom built from scratch, a pump trading bot.
Single platform cross-pair crypto triangular arbitration.
An application for analyzing and backtesting crypto signals.
License key manager for application distribution
I couldn't believe it... even after bruteforcing it.
A Discord bot for managing your server.
Another discord bot which... counts your bolbs... in an sqlite3 database.
Another custom built discord bot for... everything.
AND One more discord bot built solely for dank business with a unique set of functions.
One last discord bot to manage... The Treasury server.
One of the most useful discord bots of it's time.
A unique, silent and deadly captcha protection system.
Collect stargazer and commit data of all repositories from a github organization.
Small, Useful. Render question papers.
Small, Custom, download attendance from blackboard for IPC.
A hyper realistic world simulation as an attempt to understand how the world works.
There's only a set number of footfall on an airport.
Only the theory... and some test code.
So many platforms to keep track of, why not... merge them?